The Sound of Me | Part 1
This collection of images represents several key pieces of gear in my recording and composition toolkit. Some of these have been in my possession well over 25 years...and are still in use today.

My original Rickenbacker 4003 v63 (bought in 1989). The purchase was inspired by the first time I heard 'Paperback Writer', 'Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite', 'Roundabout' and oddly enough, 'Silly Love Songs'. Still used daily, and thumpy as ever.

My first synth, advertised (in 1981) by Casio as having '...the entire band in the palm of your hand'.
Still in use today; still working. Where else could I have learned about Rock, Waltz, Bossa Nova, Rhumba and Beguine?

Studer Revox A77 1/4 Track deck (1975), modified. Used as recently as 2 weeks ago for a mastering session.
Analog warmth can be 'faked', but there's nothing like the real thing; especially a vintage Studer.

First amp, still rocking. The Magnetone E412 18-watt Tube from 1968. Simultaneous punch, crunch & tremolo.

My baby...grand. Samick SG-55. Still longing for my Yamaha 7' grand, but this one has character...and bite.
Played everyday; at least, everyday when I'm home. Needed (by me) to maintain a happy, smiley life.

Another vintage piece from 1970, an original (solid state version) Maestro Echoplex. Used on countless records
from Jimmy Page to Miles Davis & beyond. Pristinely restored, it's appeared on more than 50 of my own recordings.
from Jimmy Page to Miles Davis & beyond. Pristinely restored, it's appeared on more than 50 of my own recordings.

First multitrack desk, the Akai MG614 (later replaced by a Fostex 8-track 1/4"). Not in use much these days, but it contains original DBX Type-1 Noise Reduction, and is home to more than 1000+ original recordings of mine, '88-92.

"Arm Track for Recording" - a play on words...but this is often the scene when I'm kicking off a backing track.