Rock In Singapore: Touch Mahal (in B&W)
This is the 2nd in the series of images taken in Singapore of the band Touch Mahal. I was going to initially title these, "In a monochromatic mood." It was such a thrill photographing them. Shasha: Vocals Tam: Vocals, guitar Deen: Lead Guitar Ijoy: Bass Epit: Drums

Shasha - Vocals

Deen - Lead Guitar

This is one of my faves; look at the angle of the guitars and the drum sticks..perfectly aligned. So musical.

If you've ever seen 70s Ritchie Blackmore, Deen really possesses not only similar tone/technique, but his body language (at times) is so quite uncannily-Blackmore-esque, I had to do a double take (and remember I'm not in 1972). Amazing guitarist.

Tam: one of the best rock screamers I've ever heard. Ian Gillan would be proud.

Ijoy - Bass

Shasha: another fave shot of mine

Epit: sticking the groove with intensity.

Tam & Shasha: they duetted on a few back to back numbers. The 'visual' performance was almost as fun to watch/hear as the music itself. Great chemistry on stage, and striking presence.

This was taken during their performance of Deep Purple's 'Highway Star'. Pure. Rock.

And for their closing number, another Deep Purple favorite: You Fool No One