My Ill-Fated BBC Children's Show Theme Music

This is a theme I composed for an ill-fated children's animated television show entitled Bish!Bash!Bosh!. In short, the series got three meetings in and just never happened, but it was a great ride along the way. This was a one-take theme that proved a lot of fun recording (with my neighbor's kids providing the kids voices and laughter). And in the end, this project would ultimately lead me to creating and developing my latest venture, Just Play Music™. Words & Music by: Jason Levine Concept & Animation by: Jacquie O'Neill, Michael O'Neill

Despite the eventual outcome of this project (ie, the show never happened and this tune has since been left on the cutting-room floor, merely as part of my publishing catalog) it was great fun writing and recording this music. 
The concept for this animated series was a lot of fun, and it's a real pity that it never saw the light of day. I literally wrote, arranged and recorded this theme in several hours and delivered it to my colleagues who were meeting with the Beeb. Sadly, there were issues with the name (specfically the phrase, Bish!Bash!Bosh!, and its ownership) and this ultimately caused the cessation of development. However, it would inadvertently inspire my 'next' music project, Just Play Music™.
I plan on using (the music) again for another theme, one of these days. But until then...enjoy!
I should also add that the graphic used as the thumbnail was *not* the originally intended artwork; I need to find some of the original graphics....why I chose *that* (which was from a background plate to something else I did) I'm not sure! :P
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