India | Colours, Textures, Wonders
The wonder that is India. Here's a series of shots taken in Noida, Delhi & Mumbai.
These images were taken on 3 separate occasions in Noida, New Delhi and Mumbai.
India is one of my favorite places in the entire world, and in my experiences, every moment is filled with adventure...
Best if viewed full-size.

Seeing 'Speed King', I half-jokingly asked the driver if he liked Deep Purple. He responded with, "Of course." :)

The Adobe offices in Noida. Yes. It's like a giant Lego creation. Coolest. Office building. Ever.

My extremely kind cycle-rickshaw driver, Raj.

A look up at the ceiling in a little alley restaurant...

This driver had the coolest taxi by far. Check out the ceiling detail. This upholstered comfort machine was outfitted with an amazing sound system, blasting early-70s Kishore Kumar as we approached downtown Delhi.



Day's end in Mumbai