All The Colours Of The Rainbow
On a lazy Sunday standing in my backyard, I suddenly realized that I have essentially all the colors of the rainbow represented around the form of various plants/flowers. I never noticed it before, not really...but this 'winter' is a fairly unique one, especially here in the south western US.
Inspired by recent works from Bettina Güber, Ivan Pesic, Julian Bound, Dennis Rose and Nina Lindfors, I've been very conscious of the plant life around me...
It's no secret that all over the world, weather patterns have been erratic. As such, and in this particular South Western desert region, plants are blooming like crazy, many of which typically do not bloom this time of year, if at all.
I happened to be walking through my yard and noticed that right in front of me, nearly every color of the rainbow was represented, by some kind of flower/cactus/plant...right in my own yard.
Whether this is a sign of things to come, or a here today/gone tomorrow kind of phenom, it's an amazing feeling to see a growing and ever-changing variety of vibrant plant life...flourishing, in the desert.
note: I tried to organize these in 'R.O.Y.G.B.I.V.' order, as much as I could:)